Been a while since I had inked my experiences as a blog. Now is the chance to do it, sitting in a hotel called StudioPLUS, using their broadband wireless cable connection. Yes, I’m in the land of Americans . My assignment: On-site coordinator, to operate from Charlotte , North Carolina . (By the time I completed this, I have moved into an apartment. I took exactly 21 days to finish this!) I was informed about my travel well in advance, but the confirmation on the surety was done a day before I’m to leave. This left just a day to be with my folks – a day – less than 12hrs. I traveled to Madras , the day before the travel, packed and left! A sentence to finish the entire trauma is very unjust! There was lot of emotional stuffs, physical tiredness and everything, even as I re-collect, it is very painful. I couldn’t express it, but everyone else did. Reached Airport to take a flight to Bombay , flight got delayed by an hour, which helped me in staying close with my family for some m...
Yet another blogger and his blomits!