An essay from my Alternate Dispute Resolution class. Introduction While life is filled with millions of varied conflicts and disputes – from small and insignificant to that of national importance (heavy pun intended), it is hard to recall them at a time when it is needed the most – thanks to the universal ailment called “memory lapse”. After a lot of thought, recall and dismissal of many conflicts and disputes the author had endured, he finally ended up on national importance. Hailing from India and being part of a “upper caste” [1] community, the author was rolling in “privileges”. The author, not realizing that these are “given advantages”, grew up in bliss – ridiculing and shaming folks who were neither from his community nor had enjoyed the benefits the author had. While this may seem to be too much information , it needs to be expressed to lay a foundation for this essay. The author’s perception of world changed after he moved to the Americas. Where due to the varied read...
Yet another blogger and his blomits!