What are the odds of betting “God Exist!” against “There’s no God!” well there might be the other odds which says “God exists, but he does not have influence on our lives!” or wait, “He exists and we are the coins on his chess board!”?
I always liked to debate on His existence. I liked the topic very much – GOD! And when I started to read about “The Blind Watchmaker” by Richard Dawkins, the stir started again! Anbe Sivam emphasizes on the concept of God in a different meaning. Now, there’s always the point when the atheist and the theist are cornered and on the similar question –
Atheist: Can you prove the existence of God?
Theist: Can you prove not His existence?
It is the similar to the forward “Dialogue between the Prof and a student”. It is not necessary that if you cannot see it, it does not exist. Though the thought here is, we can always prove its existence, can’t we?
Life started from where? It was not a just like that! It was not by chance, it was continuous evolution. Makes sense. Yes, I’m quoting Richard here. Yes and for all there must be a starting point, or there’s never a starting point, but only a circle.
It is always to link, Humans from Ape, Apes from Chimps, Chimps from Monkeys and Monkeys from Partial Amphibians (or some sorts), and they from Aquatic species and Aquatic species from lesser known ones… Yes, they from where? Micro organisms, and they from something else, may be chemical compounds. Earth was because of solar system and solar system from Big Bang. Now, how did Big Bang occur? I do not know the answer; a scientist would have the possible, correct, explanation. The questioning continues until you hit upon saying God would be the starting point. And next question would be: How was he created? You cannot have something that comes up by itself! Well, you would say “That’s God!” Yeah, talk to me! Or “God was created from another God!”
This goes on, and I believe it is just a circle or cycle! But how did this cycle result? From where? I’m sure there must be a starting point, but that contradicts as that starting point needs an initiator and which in turn requires to be made! Who made it? Confusion! I hope I’m clear on my confusion – an Oxymoron. Clarified Confusion!
OK, well. There’s no God, no Super Power, no Supreme, no Creator. Tell me how it all started? A point or a cycle? If cycle, how?
Difficult to comment. We dont know or we sure are ignorant about the fact of the starting point. There is a huge magamoth differnce between not knowing and no able to understand. We sure can understand. Some say we will understand when we are in our death bed, some say we will when we go to heaven or hell. We shall see.
Regrding the circle of evolution its a good ideology. I think its is a probabilitical random distrubution. Like in C or C++ if you generate random numbers, number are generated based on the great gaussian distribution. Like way i feel incidents and issues in life are generated in some probalitical distribution, heman race yet to discover. Some call this probility god, some call it Karma and some call it science.
The da vinci code by dan brown triggered the thought that " You are what you believe in".
If you take thiruvasam (tamizh litrature) it says,
These lines make me think as evolution proceeds a single creature or a living form has taken differnt forms or structures to evolve.
Some feel nature is god. May be true. In that case nature must have created humans with the sixth sense to escavate all the burried carbon in the earth and finally end itself due to lack of resources. May be then it will start again, like a circle.
I think the point to ponder is, if it is a ircle where are we in the orcle 180, 200, or 320 degrees or close to the 360 mark.
we will see.
Yes, I do agree! There are better, solvable, problems at hand that requires immediate attention than to ponder on something which still remains a mystery. Analum! I couldn't stop from asking - How are we here? Who knows it could answer all the problems, just like how the hyper computer Deep Thought answered to the question Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything in The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy as 42!
I just put a question for your question!
"God created Man or Man created God?"
It's all how we take it! I suggest you to read writings of Swami Vivekananda. .
In this 'Universe', 'something' in the form of 'Matter' was present, it is there now and it will be there for ever in some form or some shape. We - you, I and all the others which are exist in this world were descended from this something. We have to start and stop here only. How and where this 'something' came? No one in this 'Universe' can answer this!
All the existence in this 'Universe' came from this 'Matter' only.
There is only three permanent 'Things' will exist forever in this Universe. They are 1. The Space [AAgayam], 2. Time [Kaalam], & 3. Matter [PoruL]. These will be there forever.
We Human thinking that we are the only living things exists in this world. But it is not so. There are many other worlds which Human can not see or feel or know, also exist. These will be there in the universe forever. There is no beginning or end!!
Our birth is only a 'Visit' in this Human 'Race'and we will be visiting other places too! We were there in these other worlds and going to see many others too!
All the above are the perceptions from our [this] Human race. There are many other worlds too, which we do not know and we will never know!! For understanding purpose, please observe the nature of light and sound. The light in lower band [Infra red] and higher band [Ultra violet] can not be seen by Human eyes]. Sound less than 20 KCs and more than 25 KCs can not be heard by Human ears. Same way these other worlds can not be seen are known to all Human except few extraordinary people, whom we call as 'Rishi or Mahan'.
All the Saints know about the theory of evolutions. Aadhi Sankarar knows this. That is why he has mentioned in his 'Dvidha' books Paramathma and Jeevathmaa are one and the same'.
There are many many mysteries in nature, which we do not and can not understand!!
- Mohan.'
Hope every one has read the article on how brain functions and how persons are committing crime or have become serial killer published in the Times of India some where last week. One particular incident is that one person gets tremendous pleasure from killing people at certain times. When he is normal he repents for the crime he has done and also requested the scientist to analyze his brain once he is dead.
Have you ever thought why people call God upon problems, let it be the people who say "God exists" or "God does not exist". The tendency is to blame some one for the problems, this is humane tendency. God exist in no form but he does not exist in some form.