20th January was the D-day that was imbibed into everyone’s mind. Reason – Prem finally deciding that he has grown old enough to take the first step towards wedlock, with Vinu, the first step towards joining the elite club, constituting Anand, Arun and Lathish. He has finally given thought about his graying hair and other aging materials (Yeah, I’m balding too, but have no concern as to what happens to my hair and me as I age, I’m giving no room for anyone to take me down! Be it malapaambu as well!)
Vaday and I duly arrived at 1630hrs, even though we had promised a bit earlier – 1530hrs. Reaching only to notice the rest of the party has not yet started from their respective places. Bob and Muthu were the only dudes working their life out! We both pitched in and helped them a bit.
Makkal started to flow in as time tended towards the muhurtham! All periya thalais were in by the time. And there comes the greatest shock (Should I have to call it a surprise?) – Ash was kulukkifying hands with people (Struck by lightning would be the nearest measure of current that went through me!). Jaw dropped, eyes were rubbed to check my eyesight… everything were indeed proper. It was Ash! Blistering Barnacles!
Then all the fun began – Prem comes near to us and narrates his embarrassing moment
Prem: Guys! Hear this; I’d the greatest embarrassment in my lfe!
All: Enna sollara?!
Prem: I was walking down the aisle and all of a sudden a stranger at some distance says “Hi” and starts walking towards me with his hands stretched to greet me! I was in a fix as my thought was debating between ‘Whether I had never seen him before or I have, but have long forgotten’. I gave it a boot and stood there with my hands stretched to reciprocate. Then the biggest hit! He just walked past me and greeted the person right behind me! While going past me he says “Sorry!” I was like WTF?!
Then there was the incident involving Bob and Aditi at the Naladamayanthi’s place!
We got to know that Aditi had a dog called Bob. Need I say more on how the discussions went after the above disclosure? It was Bow wow Bob bob Err… bow wow all the way!
Throughout the whole function I was in mixed emotions. As, at once side is the happy stuff that was happening and on the other side was that my Mom’s cousin was admitted in the hospital and was in need of Platelets (One of the ingredients that makes up blood). My mom was in the hospital along with the other cousins… Deeptha helped by asking some of her friends to come forward to donate blood. Vinitha aired it in Radio Mirchi, Bob was ready to come next day to donate, and well I was overwhelmed! I’m glad to have them! They rock!!!
We all played Mafia for some time...
All ended well, I got the info that the Platelet counts (In an adult, a normal count is about 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter (x 10–6/Liter) of blood.) had increased from 28,000 to 42, 000. I was more than happy!
F for Funeral…
21st morning was shocking; I was awakened by mom’s shout! She told me that her cousin passed away at 0630hrs (Excessive internal bleeding) and we are to head directly to his place. He was a bachelor and was bed ridden for the past 10 years or so. He had the same syndrome as my uncle - MD (Click here to know more)! It was a bit of a shock for my uncle.
I and mom were in his place in five minutes (It was in the adjacent street). I waited outside for the freezer van to arrive. It was not a pleasant sight to see some one motionless whom you had known for years. I and other cousins carried the freezer box to his place.
Suddenly I was entrusted with loads of responsibilities. Till then I was considered the youngest of the lot and was never allowed or given huge responsibilities! I was nominated as one of the four to lift the body. It is not a proud feeling, but suddenly I was made to grow, the thought that I had to start thinking in a matured way was slightly… (Don’t know what to put there!)
I had a guilt running in me - I never wanted to see him in the hospital, I tried to push it until he came home fully recovered. It was not the feeling of fright or bad. I don’t like to see someone suffer; who till that time was doing well! It too passed, finally I saw him at his place but he’ll never be able to see me! He had suffered a lot and it was time for him to rest in peace…
That whole day, I ran here and there, did loads of work. Went to Kannamapettai booked the 1200hrs electrical crematorium. Then rushed back in time for the final proceedings, lifted him and went directly to cemetery. A ceremony over there and it was time to push him into the bowels of fire! We all saw it: The trolley moved in slowly until it was fully inside the furnace. It caught fire instantly and the gates were closed. 1.5 hrs we got his ashes, meanwhile some more ceremonies, settling dues. From there I took his brother, who did the whole kaarium, to Besant nagar beach to immerse the ashes. It was 1600hrs.
All was over!
Headed home for food.