Few days back, as I was sitting in my cubicle and trying to figure out a way to while away my valuable working time, a colleague (my team-mate) showed me a picture of a bride and bridegroom at their wedding. The bride was wearing a haaram (A necklace) that started from her chest and went on till her abdomen. It was thick and it was made out of gold! She was decorated like a goddess (No, goddess are never decorated that way! They are simpler than us. I can compare this way: Kuber maharaj wouldn’t have had anything like that!!!) I made a sarcastic remark on my colleague’s jealousy!
And yesterday I got the same forward, from my schoolmate, with a different subject “Is the Aejaz?” This bloke was my school mate. When I looked at the picture, I noticed that it was indeed Aejaz standing next to the just-like-prince-jewellery-ad-in-theatre or a-saravana-stores-model. (I never saw the bridegroom last time when I saw the picture.)
Look at the picture and you’ll know what I’m trying to say. WTF?! Yeah!
The forward was aptly named ‘Goldmine found!’ He struck gold.
A picture is worth a thousand words, perhaps looking at this, like the Worldspace ad you can say “A picture is worth a thousand words and few million more!”
Now we know how Kolar Gold Field ran empty!