At the Station-
“Machi! Awesome babe!” was my reply.
Meanwhile there was an SMS waiting to be read, and it was from my close friend which went as below-
Jumping thoughts – IIT – For everyone aspiring to be an Engineer!
Every father wants his son/daughter to make him proud by entering into IIT, India’s/World’s premier institute, where not one just learns to be an engineer, but also is recognized to be one of the top creams of India’s brain.
The process of preparation to enter the institute starts approximately when the student enters 8th grade and continues till he ‘cracks’ the paper.
Every dad says to his son “Son, you have to work really hard to reap the benefits in the future. The benefits of completing the degree from IIT is not known till you complete”
I never realized the seriousness of this until I came to a college (a dumb one) and started attending culturals organized by different colleges and also IIT. Sarang, an important, must-attend cultural fest is the biggest crowd puller of all the culturals. Spanning across a week, it showcases not just talent (Concerts, Rock Shows, dumb charades, skit, fashion parade, Crosswords, Quizzes and all the available brain-bytes) but also beauty – awesome babes from IIT.
Midnight Masala-
Well, because of them I slept with a nude girl at a very reasonable price – the cost of a train ticket. My berth had a profile sketch of a voluptuous nude woman! Onnum sollarathukku illa!
But, these guys had no brains. In one of my recent outing to a place called Shivanasamudra, our return journey had a dinner break at a restaurant. Before dinner I wanted to relieve myself so, headed directly to the rest room. There ‘our artists’ had written the whole of the details available on their business card on to the four walls of the room. What do I say? It was a men’s rest room!!! I do not believe that they were gays! It is just that their brains had popped out, and they were totally insane. And I do not believe that woman folks use men’s rest room either!